Creative Nomads

4 Ways To Use Google Analytics For A Better User Experience

Knowing how customers browse your website is important so that you can understand what kind of information is the most interesting for them. Google Analytics is a free and excellent tool to do exactly this. In this blog, we will look at how to use it, why it is so important, and what you can gather from it.

What is Google Analytics?

This powerful tool is one of the greatest sources of data that any business could use to improve user experience. It is an amazing platform that allows you to view in-depth information about how people are using your content and engaging with your website. Looking at your analytics will help you determine what’s working and what isn’t. It also shows where you are losing potential customers, and how you could better engage with the people who visit your website.

The best thing about this tool is it’s free and you should be using it. Here are some ways how you can use it to create a better user experience:

1. Track user behavior.

Where are people going on your website? What pages do they visit? Analytics can help you determine how many visits each page, blog post, and article on your website gets. It will help you identify which posts or content is of high value or high interest to your audience. And these are the content that you need to create more of to generate more visits and keep the engagement.

2. Specify problem areas on your website.

Google Analytics will show you which pages have a high bounce rate. These are the pages that are not holding people’s attention. This means that people are landing on your website and immediately leaving that page to go somewhere else because it didn’t offer value. The pages with high bounce rates are the ones you need to improve on by changing the content and offering more value.

3. Learn about your audience’s demographics.

One of the things that you’ll understand through this powerful tool is what people are using to visit your website. You can find out whether people are using a desktop computer or a mobile device. You’ll also see where they are located. This information will direct you on how to update and optimize your website to provide your visitors with a better experience.

4. Understand site search.

If you have a search bar on your website where people can type what they are looking for, you can identify what people are searching for on your website. This allows you to understand the content that people find valuable on your website and you can move them higher on the navigation or create follow-up content about them. You can also consider sharing this content through your social media platforms making it easy for your audience to find this valuable information.

As you can tell, there’s a lot that you can use Google Analytics for. The real value is in making sure that you’re maximizing the potential of your website. The goals of these approaches are to be able to connect with people, strengthen your brand, and grow your credibility as an authority in your niche.

To improve your website content, schedule a discovery call!

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About the Author

Jason Rutel is the founder of Creative Nomads, a dynamic agency centered on enriching donor engagement for nonprofits and global missions organizations. With an impressive track record in web design, videography, and branding, Jason brings innovative communication strategies that drive mission-focused initiatives.

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