Creative Nomads

How to Create a Landing Page That Converts

You face a range of problems and opportunities that require different solutions. Much more when operating a website for your business. It’s never a “build and drop” scenario. It would help if you had a consistent strategy for advertising your business and generating customers.

Landing pages top the list of the things you need, and often many disregard them. Yet, not knowing it’s the core of their marketing strategy. So, let’s discover the essentialities of a landing page and how to create a good one!

What is a Landing Page

The landing page is any web page appearing in response to a click. It may come from an advertisement, email, social media post, or a search engine result link. It has a more specific but similar definition in the marketing world, though. It’s a separate page distinct from your homepage and any other page from your website that sets a single and focused purpose- to convert visitors into customers.

Landing pages typically offer a service or material in exchange for a visitor’s contact information. These are often in the form of free trials, eBooks, infographics, and even newsletter subscriptions.

You may see not just one but multiple landing pages from a single business. Industry experts recommend having multiple landing pages to convert leads from various customer populations. In fact, as research shows, companies with more than 40 landing pages increase conversions by 500%.

Why is Landing Page Essential

The creation of a business website is not a one-time job. The moment the web designer and developer conclude their job can’t be left as it is. With the world becoming more digital, your website will require revamps and effective marketing strategies. With that in mind, you’d need persuasive landing pages.

A landing page’s primary purpose is to generate leads. It’s the simplest yet most effective way of capturing the attention of potential customers. In this way, you let visitors taste what it’s like to avail of your service. If they get intrigued and interested, then that’s how you generate your customers.

Some visitors hate to go through every nook and crannies to find the desired information. With landing pages, they’re straightforward on what it wants and what it offers. They point to one goal, thus converting more traffic.

Why Should You Use Landing Pages

Although of no question, there are many reasons you should create landing pages. Here’s why:

They Leave An Impactful First Impression. You let your visitors peek at the quality of your material or service. Well-presented landing pages show your visitors your value. It also jumpstarts their journey as customers.

Promotion of New Products and Services. Kickstarting a new product or service can be pretty challenging. People will have no idea what they will get. So, landing pages served through email marketing, social media marketing, and advertisements will help you bring the benefits of your offer to light.

Straight to the point. There are no unnecessary processes and discussions when it comes to landing pages. Visitors can easily pick up information without spending so much time reading.

They allow you to survey product demand. You can use it to test the waters. Your upcoming service or product can track how many customers are interested in landing pages. They allow you to obtain their demographics and identify what customer population is leaning toward your product.

Testability of landing pages. Create as many landing pages as you need, but they must match your objectives. You must not just stick to the same strategy as your previous ones. You can try videos, infographics, different offers, and other methods to market your business. Once you identify what system generates more customers, you can improve that campaign for a more significant Return on Investment (ROI).

Advantages of Having a Landing Page to a Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel represents your customer’s journey with you. It starts from when a visitor learns about your business to when they make their first purchase. But, marketing funnels encompass more than this. They describe the route from visitor conversion and beyond.

Like a funnel, your customers go through different stages before becoming loyal. Here’s how it happens:

Awareness: It all starts with brand awareness. It would include customers’ simple knowledge of the brand’s name and values.

Consideration: This stage happens when potential customers take an interest in the service. They read reviews, make comparisons, and consider your service.

Conversion: Conversion signifies the success of your marketing strategy. It happens when a sales transaction is completed.

Loyalty: Now, if you’ve provided a seamless buying experience, you’ll drive your customers to commitment. Of course, this happens through a nurtured connection even after the purchase experience.

So, if you may ask, where is this all going? The answer’s simple.
In having an excellent first impression, customers will achieve these stages. And, to go back, how does this happen? Well, this all routes back to creating compelling and direct landing pages.

What Should You Consider When Creating a Landing Page

The discussion above might make some think that establishing a landing page gets done with a few clicks. But, creating a high-quality one that converts can be a daunting task. Numerous factors, such as design, strategy, and content, must be considered.

Let’s discuss important things to consider!

1. Design

Your landing page should have a clean and professional design. The design should be consistent with the ad or link that brought the visitor to the page.

A well-designed landing page will help to build trust with the visitor. It should not be too simple but not too overwhelming and complex that it tires out your visit. It would be best if you also prioritize the presentation of your product.

2. Headline

Your headlines must direct towards customer needs. It doesn’t have to be witty. It’s essential to understand what you’re trying to explain. Being straightforward would be the wisest strategy to drive customers.

When creating a headline, you should emphasize a paint point (or benefit), solve a problem, and hook your readers.

3. Images/Video

Humans are visual beings. Half of the human brain is directly or indirectly processing visual information. Therefore, visual materials can add additional information to your visitors.

The image or video must present the style and nature of your company. You can invest in photoshoots and originally shot videos to best showcase your products and services.

4. Copy

Don’t put your perfect headlines and ideal images/videos to waste with your confusing copy! It needs to be short, clear, and concise. In addition, your words must direct your visitors to act on what you need them to complete.

Using “you” and “your” will help establish a connection with your visitor. It engages them and makes them feel like they’re in a conversation.

5. Opt-in Form

The opt-in form allows you to collect visitor information. It should be short and only require essential details. Most visitors decline offers due to lengthy demographic information collection. So, when creating effective landing pages, remember that less is more.

Usually, the name and address are enough. However, asking for date of birth and phone numbers may drive your potential customers away.

6. Social Proof

Social proof is evidence that several individuals have put trust in your product. These are evidence that people have purchased and have found value in you.

If potential customers see positive reviews from people who talk, they’ll also positively consider your product. After that, the exciting moment of generating a lead is underway.

Social proof can be shown through an expert’s testimony, a celebrity or influencer endorsement, or reviews from actual individuals who availed of your product. It can also be the number of customers, downloads, trust badges, and third-party reviews.

7. CTA (Call to action)

The call to action is undeniably the most critical element in generating leads. CTAs are a catchy invitation to encourage visitors to fill in the information needed. They must stand out.

Contrasting color and design that sets it apart from the entire structure or concept must be applied to become noticeable.

It’s also important to focus your CTA copy on the benefit offered to the page visitor. Use a verb that directs what happens when they submit their information, such as “Get Free Trial,” “Download,” or “Get It Now.” They shouldn’t be more than five words.

Final Point

Landing pages take responsibility for the majority of your new leads. It’s the core reason it demands attention and detail, just as how you make your product.

With the world becoming more digital, landing pages will become your best partner in growing your business. You must carefully consider the audience, content, delivery, and design.

By following some best practices and thinking about your customers, transforming leads wouldn’t be a tough challenge.

If you’d like expert support from our team to level up your landing pages, schedule a discovery call today!

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About the Author

Jason Rutel is the founder of Creative Nomads, a dynamic agency centered on enriching donor engagement for nonprofits and global missions organizations. With an impressive track record in web design, videography, and branding, Jason brings innovative communication strategies that drive mission-focused initiatives.

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